A Gift of Compassion and Special Memories Created Handmade by Remember Me Gifts
A Gift of Compassion and Special Memories Created Handmade by Remember Me Gifts
I have always been a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason". It does not always make sense as we endure life's challenges and hardships, but sometimes we are fortunate enough to hear the answer to the question "why?". I also believe we are all born with a special "gift" that is cultivated throughout our lives. When we merge together this gift and our experiences, we find our divine purpose for our own lives.
Remember Me and Handmade By Remember Me was created with this concept in mind.
When I was 18 years old, I lost my brother to suicide. The pain of losing John (often called my "taillight") was unbearable. Watching my parents and family cope with the insurmountable grief added to my devastation. Then, having to focus on my brother's pain... this pain so severe that he would chose to take his own life... well, that was more than I could handle.
This pain often revisited me as I watched people grieve over the loss of a loved one. I simply wanted to somehow take that pain away. Even though I understand the pain of great loss, I still didn't know what to say to others, how to support them, or what gift I could send to them other than the typical flowers... I wanted to send something meaningful that really touch them.
What trigged my decision to start Remember Me was due to the fact that during the past few years, I've seen other people affected by the loss of their loved ones to suicide. This created in me a strong desire to help bring awareness, not only to the cause of suicide, but to the devastation this type of death brings to those left behind. H.U.G.S. (Helping to Understand the Grief caused by Suicide) was created to educate people that their decision to take their own lives will forever change the lives of those left behind.
Lastly, bullying. Unfortunately, sometimes Bullying and Suicide go hand in hand. It is imperative that we educate our youth as to the consequences bullying plays in the lives of it's victims. It is my intention to use my website as a venue to educate by offering resources and ideas to help combat this unfortunate epidemic.
My immediate goal for Remember Me is to be able to touch one person's life a day! I can't even begin to express how honored I feel when I am contacted by someone who lets me know that I did just that! As my business grows, I look forward to the day when I'm affecting more lives than I ever dreamed possible.
(888) 633-8598

Stef's Crafting Bits
My shop specializes in jewelry and handmade fluid art paintings. I strongly believe in helping animals, and encourage you to checkout the following animal rescues. Below is just a small snippet of a list of the rescues I have partnered with over the years. If you mention Good Karma Dog Rescue during checkout, I’ll donate 20% of your order total to them!

Elise Campbell Photography - Elise's focus on newborns, children, families and pets allows her to not only capture an image, she captures the love and light her subjects exude. Visit her at Elise Campbell Photography

Tara at PigDog fights the good fight through her artwork and merchandise. Pigdog's fun and poignant items get the message across in a way that everyone will remember. Check them out at pigdogonline.com or reach out directly at: tara@pigdogonline.com

Donna Buccellato, at Unleashed, is a dog's best friend. As a trainer, her calm and gentle disposition can make even the most hyper pups calm down and focus. (We know this from experience!) While pet-sitting, she makes sure that every dog and cat that is in her care feels safe and at ease while their families are away on vacation, at an event, or just busy at work. She goes above and beyond anything you would expect. Her love of animals is evident in all that she does, especially her dedication to animals in need. Need some help? Call her at: 201-519-7877 or visit Unleashed online at: http://www.unleashednj.com

These "purveyors of 'constantly superior' specialty goods" for over 93 years are also high supporters of rescue and all-around cool people! Not only do the owners of this incredible liquor store welcome 4-legged friends to their store, they also foster dogs and organize events and fundraisers to help benefit rescue. To make them even cooler, they have a wine bar inside their store! Be sure to visit them at: http://www.pinosshop.com/

Love Thy Bully is an online community that advocates for Bully Breeds are believes that they are "the most misunderstood and unfairly judged breed of dog." Visit the Love Thy Bully Facebook page to see Bullies in a positive light or reach out to them at: lovethybully@outlook.com.

You can see Reese+Rory's love of art & design, coupled with a clean & modern aesthetic in their line of fine handmade goods. In their Etsy shop, you can find a wide assortment of modern and personalized gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and more!

Bow Tie Atticus
My name wasn't always Atticus...
In early May of 2014, All They Need is Love Animal Rescue saved me, my sisters and brothers. I was placed with a wonderful foster mom, Amanda, and given the name Aspen. Later in the month, I began having seizures and I ended up fighting for my life at an emergency veterinary hospital. The cause of my seizures is unknown so when I was ready to leave the hospital the vet said it was best for me to not be returned to my litter. That's when I met my second foster momma. I was only 3.5 pounds but my strength and determination weighed a gazilliondy pounds. So, my momma took care of me and nursed me back to health. My sister Scout was almost 16 years old when she ran over the rainbow bridge. And, my momma thought Atticus was the next best name. And on August 10th, 2014 I was officially adopted and from that day on I was to be called Atticus a.k.a. Atti. I have a cousin Sven, he's a cat...he wears bow ties and one day he gave me a bow tie, it even matched one of his. And, that's when my momma discovered how handsome I look in a bow tie. And the rest of the story...well, that's how I got my "Atti"tude!

Anthony Scriffignano and his incredible staff at the Verona and Montclair Animal Hospitals are the best of the best! The second you walk into the door, you feel like family. Drs. Scriff, Brazer, Gerber and Stock take the extra time to listen to concerns and fully answer your questions. The VMAH team, from the girls at the desk to the experienced technicians behind the scenes, these special facilities consistently exceed the highest standard of care!
Verona: 17 Grove Avenue Montclair: 124 Watchung Avenue
Verona, NJ 07044 Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
phone: (973) 239-1881 phone: (973) 744-1942